Business-To-Business Advertising: translation

Marketing efforts directed toward other businesses rather to individual consumers. Business-to-business advertising may involve the promotion of products such as copier machines, or services such as human resources consulting or logistics, that are primarily designed for businesses.

While business-to-consumer advertising focuses on reaching a household's decision-maker, business-to-business advertising focuses on reaching the employees of a business responsible for making capital decisions or who are in charge of purchasing. While consumers may be able to make rapid decisions on whether a product is of interest, businesses are often slower and have to go through a more complex process because the cost of products for a business can be high and may require approval from several levels of management.

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Смотреть что такое BUSINESSTOBUSINESS ADVERTISING в других словарях:


рекл. деловая [промышленная\] реклама, реклама товаров производственного назначения (реклама в адрес деловых людей и предприятий, покупающих продукцию... смотреть


business-to-business advertising: translation business-to-business advertising business-to-business advertising ➔ advertising * * * business-to... смотреть


рекл. деловая (промышленная) реклама, реклама товаров производственного назначения (реклама, адресованная деловым людям и предприятиям, покупающим продукцию в производственных целях) Business to business advertising will increase your sales and profits. - Деловая реклама увеличит ваши продажи и прибыли. Syn: industrial advertising business advertising advertising to business vocational advertising Ant: consumer advertising See: industrial goods business advertisement business paper advertising trade advertising professional advertising farm advertising... смотреть

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